
Write for Obscurix!

Obscurix runs on content, and we’re always on the look out for more. If you have an article in mind that you’d like to write for Obscurix, please read the guidelines on this page and submit a pitch in the form below.

What we're looking for:

First off, we want pitches rather than full articles. We do this to save both you and us time. We don’t want you to spend hours writing an article on a subject we’re not interested in publishing or that our writers are currently working on. By sending us a pitch, we can preapprove an idea (or decline it) before you invest too much time.

Now for the content. We’re looking for pitches on true crime, paranormal, dark history, and weird facts. You’ll notice that even our shortest articles are longform, usually over 1,500 words. So, be prepared. As long as your pitch aligns with the content we publish on Obscurix, you’ll likely be approved to write your article. The writing will need to be stellar for it to be published though. Make sure you research thoroughly and cover all relevant information pertaining to the headline.

At the moment, we’re hungry for long lists in all genres. You’ll have a better chance of getting your list approved if it’s longer than other lists on the subject. We want to provide our readers with more information no one else is giving them.

Things to do before you submit:

  • Read our articles to get an idea of our style and the topics we publish.
  • Check our site to make sure we haven’t already covered your topic from the angle in which you plan to pitch it.
  • Research your topic thoroughly so know what you’re going to write about.
  • Reach out to our Contact page if you have any questions.

How to construct your pitch:

Constructing your pitch is easy. Write a title, write subheadings that lightly describing each aspect of the topic you’ll be covering in your article, write a couple of sentences per subheading that tells us that section covers, and provide a link to at least one source supporting those sentences. Then paste it into the form below and hit “send.”

Things to know before pitching:

  • Just because we accept your pitch doesn’t mean we’ll publish your article. The writing, sources, and information have to be great for your piece to reach publication. We will, however, provide feedback to help get you on track.
  • All pieces will be run through plagiarism and AI detection software before acceptance.
  • Obscurix pays writers $50 via PayPal for each published article. We’re hoping to raise the pay in the future when funds allow.
  • Upon publication, you’ll receive a contributing author profile on our site that lists your articles and provides valuable credits for your portfolio.
  • By publishing your piece with Obscurix, you transfer ownership of that piece to Obscurix and LTOPD Productions, including all rights pertaining to the written piece and how it’s used in the future. This includes first print rights, reprint rights, and all other copyrights inherent with written works.
  • That last bit was legal mumbo jumbo necessary to protect us from potential incidents that could arise, such as publication conflicts or copyright infringements.
  • Upon acceptance of your pitch, you’ll receive a copy of our style guide and instructions on how to proceed with our process.

Editor’s Note: We value every pitch and submission sent to Obscurix, and our small staff tries their best to respond to these in a timely manner. We’re currently receiving an above-average number of submissions, and responses can take up to a few weeks in some cases. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We look forward to reading your pitch!